Spend a Semester in Thailand!

Expedition Learning Semester: Culture, Ecology, and Community

ISDSI’s Culture, Ecology, and Community semester is a rich hands-on learning expedition exploring the diverse cultures and landscapes of Thailand, learning directly from the people involved in creating a more sustainable world.

Traveling throughout Thailand the Culture, Ecology, and Community semester spends significant time immersed in the diverse cultures and ecosystems of Thailand. Our unique Expedition Field Courses travel and study throughout Thailand, from remote mountain villages in the North to the islands in the South. Expedition Field Courses are hands-on learning — assignments include everything from skin diving coral reefs to learning organic farming in a rural village. On expeditions students live with local families, and hike, sea kayak and travel through the landscapes they are studying.

The Culture, Ecology, and community semester

The Culture, Ecology, and Community Semester is taught on the “Block Plan” with one course per block.

Block 1 (Foundations): Thai Language and Society is 4 weeks long.  Language classes start on the first day, and continue throughout the semester when students are in Chiang Mai.  Experiential field studies happen throughout the block, with time off-campus studying Thai society, development and culture.

Warrant Market in Chiang Mai is an amazing place to explore and use your Thai language skills.

Expedition Field Courses (Blocks 2-4)

Blocks 2-4 are “Expedition Field Courses” where the majority of time is spent in the field studying the topic experientially.  Week 1 is at the Institute with seminars on the theory and context of the course.  Weeks 2, 3 and 4 are in the field.  Half way through the field section of the course there is a mid-course seminar, and the final seminar (and final exam) is at the end of Week 4.

Block 2 (Fields): Sustainable Food Systems is 4 weeks long.  Language classes are in the morning with seminars in the afternoon of the first week. Weeks 2-4 are in small holder farming villages learning directly from experts in organic farming, organic polycultures and small scale agroecology.

In the rice fields learning about the cycle of wet rice agriculture.

Block 3 (Forests): Political Ecology of Forests is 4 weeks long. Language classes are in the morning with seminars in the afternoon of the first week. Weeks 2-4 are spent backpacking and hiking through the remote villages of Mae Hong Son, learning directly from the Karen upland communities about forest management and ecology. Spring semester Forests is Block 4.

High in the mountains of Mae Hong Son province

Block 4 (Oceans): Culture and Ecology of the Southern Thailand is 4 weeks long. Language classes are in the morning with seminars in the afternoon of the first week. Weeks 2-4 are spent studying reef ecology and resource conservation in the Adang Archipelago, as well as studies of mangroves and sea grass ecosystems. A highlight of the course is skin diving and snorkeling the coral reefs, sea grass beds and mangroves, as well as sea kayaking, camping and home stays. Spring Semester Oceans is Block 3.

Out fishing with host families while studying coastal ecology

PLEASE NOTE: If you are considering applying to the program contact us at [email protected]! We can help you through the application process, financial aid, and program approval.

Semester Course Syllabi

Highlights of the semester

  • Intensive study of Thai
  • Based in Chiang Mai
  • Extended time in the villages, mountains, coasts, and islands
  • Hands-on learning and field research
  • Independent research projects during each course
  • Courses developed in partnership with local communities
  • Rural home-stays with Thai and indigenous families



Program Summary



Application Deadlines

Semester Application Deadlines: Fall – March 15 / Spring – October 15

Summer Application Deadline: April 1

After the deadline we will accept students on a space available basis, so contact us at [email protected]

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