Learning Accommodations Request

Please fill out below any learning accommodations that you need to be successful in participating in an ISDSI program.

We recommend that you meet with your learning support and/or accommodations advisor before filling out this form.

While ISDSI is committed to helping every student thrive and do well on our programs, due to the reality of studying in Thailand, there may be limitations and we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

By signing below, I recognize that some of these accommodations may not be available at the study abroad site but that effort will be made to provide alternative accommodations whenever possible. I give my permission for ISDSI student support services to communicate with field instructors and other staff at ISDSI regarding my accommodation requests.

Application Deadlines

Semester Application Deadlines: Fall – March 15 / Spring – October 15

Summer Application Deadline: April 1

After the deadline we will accept students on a space available basis, so contact us at [email protected]

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