
News from the Field

Hands-on learning, leadership and rock climbing at ISDSI

An important part of what ISDSI teaches is leadership — both self-leadership and leading a group.

We don’t do this in the classroom and just talk about theory, but get out in the field and learn-hands on.  It is more challenging, but a lot more rewarding! So in addition to the first month of intensive Thai, seminars on Thai society and a home stay, we do some mini-expeditions leading up to our Expedition Field Courses.

One of the first activities students do outside the classroom is take a day rock climbing. Crazy Horse Buttress is a world-famous climbing destination and has routes of all levels. We work with Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventures (CMRCA) and students spend a day climbing, zip lining, rappelling and learning about themselves, working together as a team, and learning new skills.

Rock climbing isn’t just a fun day out — while it is challenging in different ways for each student, learning about yourself in a challenging environment is one of the first steps to becoming a good leader.  Self leadership and active followership will be important skills later in the semester, and this first time in the field is a great chance to get to start putting those leadership skills into practice — experiential learning at its best!

teambuildingcmrca gear set up zip line 1 zip line 3 fun cave




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