
News from the Field

Fall 2014 Students Have Arrived to ISDSI

As many of their friends and family members in the US finish the week, the 27 Fall ’14 ISDSI students are just starting the study abroad experience of a lifetime!

photodArriving yesterday, the students had the opportunity to relax last night and this morning before beginning orientation at ISDSI this afternoon.  Arriving at lunchtime, the students had a quick lesson on how to eat with a fork and spoon (Thai style), and then they enjoyed their first real Thai meal – Cashew Chicken and Vegetables over rice, soup and rombutan.  With everyone’s tastebuds satisfied, it was time for the festivities to begin!

Following the introduction of all the ISDSI staff, the students received ISDSI t-shirts and traditional Karen bags filled with the Foundations Course Reader, a map, a short clip about their host family and other essentials to make their experience at ISDSI the best one possible.  With the students feeling a bit more prepared for the cultural adventure they have just embraced, some of the field instructors led the students in ice breakers so everyone could get to know each other.  While it was hot and humid, the students and staff all had the opportunity to laugh a lot together.  There was everything from simply mingling and getting to know fun facts about each other, to having to outrun each other in a competitive game of “Do you like your neighbor?” We can’t forget to mention the students even had their first opportunity to learn how to greet each other in Thai. Through the rest of the afternoon, the students did an incredible job fighting off jet-lag as they took a tour of ISDSI’s facilities, learned a bit about what they will be doing at CrossFit Chiang Mai to get in shape for expeditions, and then went to Host Family Orientation.

Preparing the students for their first weekend with their families, ISDSI’s Host Family Coordinators also provided some good laughs and kept it upbeat.  The topics discussed included everything from how to refer to different members of the family, to how to hang your laundry properly, and how to use a squatty potty (for the student who do not have western toilets).  The students also learned a little bit more “survival” Thai so they can tell people their name, let their host family know the food tastes great, and that they are thankful for the family opening up their home.

Finishing at 5pm, the students were individually introduced to members of their host families, and then they headed home to a weekend unlike any other weekend they will ever experience.  A new country. New people. A new language.  New surroundings…and so much more!  However, as ISDSI staff we are confident the students are going to do great as we can already tell they ready to immerse themselves in Thai culture and engage with the local communities.

Enjoy some photos from Day 1!

photo 1The “Wink” game matched up with practicing “Sawatdeeka” and how to wai each other!

photo 5“Do you like your neighbor?”

photoaSome of the students enjoying free time together.

photo 3Listening to the rules for the next activity.

photocIt’s not everyday you can say, “I enjoyed tossing the frisbee around…a chicken coup,” but at ISDSI we’re all about the students taking on new experiences.  That’s all for now, but make sure to keep an eye on our blog as the semester goes forward!

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