Are you an ISDSI alumni or coming on an ISDSI program?

ISDSI Partner Scholarships

In order to help connect with the right students, as well as make the program more affordable, we are offering a $500 ISDSI Partner scholarship to ISDSI alumni and incoming students.

At ISDSI the best people to help us find the right students to come on the program are students who are already connected to ISDSI — both alumni as well as incoming students.  As an ISDSI alumni or incoming student, you know best who among your fellow students would benefit from participating in an ISDSI program, and the type of student who would thrive on one of our programs.

The ISDSI Partnership scholarship is a $500 scholarship for any currently enrolled ISDSI student (alumni or incoming) who recommends a student who comes on an ISDSI program.  We recognize that talking with and helping a fellow student successfully apply to the program takes time — and we want to reward that. The student who comes on the program ALSO will get a $500 scholarship — so this will benefit the student who enrolls in the ISDSI program as well!

How this works

  • You help a student to apply and be accepted on an ISDSI program.
  • You receive a $500 scholarship.
  • The new incoming student also receives a $500 scholarship to ISDSI.

The rules/eligibility/criteria, etc.

  • This is open to any ISDSI alumni or incoming ISDSI student from eligible schools (contact us at [email protected] to find out if your school qualifies — most do).
  • For ISDSI alumni, you need to be currently enrolled in college or university (if you’ve already graduated but still help someone come on the program, get in touch with us!)
  • The student you recommend has to be successfully accepted on the program and enroll (e.g. they have to actually come).
  • Currently we are limiting this to two recommendations per ISDSI Partnership participant. That means if you recommend two students who come on the program, you would get a $1,000 ISDSI Partner scholarship and each student would get a $500 scholarship. If you’ve got more students coming because you’ve talked with them, let us know!

Applying For the ISDSI Partnership Scholarship

To apply for the ISDSI Partnership scholarship BOTH students need to fill out the following form and both need to submit one copy to ISDSI.

ISDSI Partnership Scholarship Application

Other things you can do

We’re also organizing information sessions and other ways to connect with students who might be interested in coming on an ISDSI program. We can provide some budget for an information session with pizza, sponsor a film showing from the new ISDSI FILMS project, etc. Get in touch and let us know what ideas you have!  We’ll post the best ones here, and help spread the word to other alumni and incoming students.

Helpful resources

Here are a few links to help you with talking with students.

  • Be sure to read the Program Options to know program availability (semester or summer) and which program a student might be interested in. Currently we are offering this for both the People, Ecology and Development semester and the Elephants, Culture and Ecology summer program.
  • Read over the Apply Page so you are familiar with the current application process. This is where help from someone who’s already done the application can be really useful!
  • Also be sure to let potential students know about the Financial Aid page.  This lists a lot of potential scholarships for coming on an ISDSI program, both for semester and summer programs.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Application Deadlines

Semester Application Deadlines: Fall – March 15 / Spring – October 15

Summer Application Deadline: April 1

After the deadline we will accept students on a space available basis, so contact us at [email protected]

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